Friday, September 5, 2008

McCain: Iraq, Iraq, Afghanistan, Whatever...

A catalogue of McCain Iran gaffes.
Here's one. Here is a comment on it. 
In the course of correcting this gaffe, here comes another.
Iranians, McCain wants you DEAD. Don't believe me? Hear him out here! Here is a comment from Talking Points Memo, with video. Here's another from Crooks and Liars. Here is a response from the right-wing blogosphere. That McCain is such a cut-up. For his next act, he'll make that joke about how many Jews can be put in a Volkswagen...
A collection of McCain gaffes on Iran from Media Matters. First time, shame on me, second time...
Commentary, home of the Neocons, carries this about how McCain is losing the debate on Iran.
Oh, and McCain believes that Eye-Rainians are not Christian, so we can't trust 'em! So he says here! Kiss-off, camel jockeys!
McCain thinks we've been negotiating with the Iranians all these years. Not so much... 
McCain and Iran-Contra. Thank you, Firedog Lake.
McCain geography: The Iraq-Pakistan border. Ummm... I think it's called IRAN!
Interesting comments on McCain's Ahmadinejad fixation from Jewcy, a liberal Jewish blog.

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